He covered a wide range of Ajax topics including....
- How Ajax has changed the way we design User Interfaces
- How Ajax has changed the way we view APIs
- APIs are simple and lightweight
- Less SOAP
- More JavaScript
- Ajax is about using and abusing standards
- DOM was designed for text docs
- XMLHttpRequest - not a standard - but supported by all browsers
- Cross-host communication using and script and iframe tag
Drawing vector graphics in the browser was also discussed
- solution in 2005: VML in IE, line-drawing server for others
- solution in 2007: vml in IE, SVG in firefox, canvas in safari
And to wrap-up, he summed up the future state of Ajax...
- Better tools and libraries
- Google web toolkit
- java to javascript compiler
- hides browser compatibliity issues
- maps ui programming concepts ( ex: constraint-based layout) to the DOM and css
- growing community and open source toolkit
- dojo toolkit -- google contributes
- prototype
- mochikit
- yahoo UI library
- Bret's predictions
- technology will be open (no one will "own" the platform)
- technology will be evolutionary (browser works pretty well already)
- technology will address an end user need (ex: rich graphics), not just a developer needs (ex: programming language features)
For 9:10am - I chose to listen to Billy Hoffman, Hacking and Exploiting Ajax Applications. Even though I was already aware of XSS and SQL Injection security issues, Billy's enthusiam to seek and destroy websites that are prone to attack was a great source of solid entertainment.
While demonstrating, Billy used this site to show various types of attacks.
- Ajax increases the attack surface. In addition to traditional threats...
- web services
- page methods
- Be aware of SQL injection risks
- especially since most dbs have functions that allow shell script stored procedures and/or direct API access
- Could call functions out of order
- could bypass form logic / validation
- information leakage - gives away information about your app
- function/variable names
- function parameters and return types
- program flow
- trust
- datatypes and valid ranges
- JavaScript itself
- comments with useful information
- He told a Macworld story - their registration site had md5 hash codes listed in a JavaScript array - so it was easy to figure out the codes for discounts.
- JavaScript obfuscation does not fully protect
- Be alert to XSS holes (Cross-Site Scripting). Potential malicious things that could be done...
- cookie theft
- session hijacking
- key logging
- screen scraping
- malicious scripts
- mousemoves
- another layer for attacker to hide beind
- theft of resources...
- dos of affiliate websites
- bypass of traditional security
How can we tighten up security in our apps. Here are some of his tips:
- input validation
- client side validation is no validation
- don't use blacklisting (I will not allow these chars)
- use whitelisting (only list acceptable/known chars/formats)
- validate both data type and range/length
- validate data format
- escaping input is as good as validation
- prevent info leadkage
- no monolithic .js or .css filesin master pages
- separate ajax page method/web services from other web serivces
- turn off WSDLs for web services
- comments in JS files cannot be masked
- minimize logic pushed to the client
- minimize what is exposed by a web service
- obfuscation? not really
- firebug
- ie watch
- fiddler
- web developer toolbar
Here's a couple notes I scribbled down before I had to run off...
- Google Maps uses iFrame functionality because they wanted to harness the back-button behavior. (see my notes from the first speaker of the day)
- Google Gadgets uses XMLHttpRequest to do its Ajax transfers. And they use an Ajax proxy to get around cross-domain issues.
- A question was asked about security and gadgets. Google prefers not to be in the "security business" - and want to provide free services and not make security a barrier. If you need logins - you lose users.
- Google has its own internal service called dogfood where Google employees use their own products (corporate version of calendar, gmail, etc...) - "eat our own dogfood"
- Why would they choose Flex or Ajax? They design for a user experience, and then choose technology depending on what meets the requirements. Ex: Google Maps is Ajax, but their stock ticker chart is Flash.
- Why use Java in GoogleWebToolkit rather than a declarative markup like Flex/Laszlo in XML? A design philosophy of the GWT was to make it easier for Java coders (because there are a lot of them) to build Ajax apps as easily as they build AWT/Swing apps.
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