Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've seen the future, and its comic books

Yesterday, I had a meeting with a marketing company that was looking for fresh ideas for their Web Campaigns. During our conversation, we talked about the best way to explain a concept to one of their clients. Eventually, we all agreed that whatever it was, it had to be simple and non-technical. "Stick Figures" was suggested. And that reminded me of these great videos I came across a few months ago from Common Craft.

Here's one of their many videos which explains various concepts using simple paper cut-outs. This one explains Social Bookmarking. (That's Delicioius, and if you're not using Delicous, you should be!).

Google has also headed in the direction of comic-books with an introduction to their new web browser Chrome. The sample page from the Chrome booklet below describes the concept of single vs. multi-threaded.

Why can't everything be this fun and simple?

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